Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020 | |
9:00am |
Welcome remarks
Session 1: Scaling I session chair: Ariel Gabizon | |
9:10am |
Lower Bounds for Off-Chain Protocols: Exploring the Limits of Plasma
9:40am |
Arbitrum 2.0: Faster Off-Chain Contracts with On-Chain Security
10:10am |
Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees
10:40am | Break
Session 2: Attacks session chair: Shashank Agrawal | |
11:10am |
Linking Anonymous Transactions via Remote Side-Channel Attacks
11:40am |
Broken Metre: Attacking Resource Metering in EVM
12:10pm | Lunch
Session 3: New chains session chair: Dan Boneh | |
1:30pm |
The Libra Blockchain & Move: A Technical Introduction
2:00pm |
Blockchains for multiplayer games
2:30pm |
The Celo Ultralight Client
3:00pm | Break
Session 4: SNARKs session chair: Benedikt Bünz | |
3:30pm |
STARK for developers
4:00pm |
PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge
4:30pm |
Fractal: Post-Quantum and Transparent Recursive Proofs from Holography
5:00pm | End of day one
5:20pm | Reception
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 | |
Session 5: Groups of unknown order session chair: Justin Drake | |
9:00am |
Scalable RSA Modulus Generation with Dishonest Majority
9:30am |
Hardware Accelerated RSA - VDFs, SNARKs, and Accumulators
10:00am |
Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers
10:30am | Break
Session 6: Blockchain economics session chair: Bram Cohen | |
11:00am |
An Axiomatic Approach to Block Rewards
11:30am |
Competitive equilibria between staking and on-chain lending
Session 7: Lightning talks session chair: Benedikt Bünz | |
12:00pm |
Lightning talks
12:30pm | Lunch
Session 8: Consensus session chair: Ben Fisch | |
2:00pm |
Beyond 51% attacks
2:30pm |
Streamlet: Textbook Streamlined Blockchain Protocols
3:00pm |
Prism: Scaling Bitcoin by 10,000x
3:30pm |
Proof-of-Stake Longest Chain Protocols Revisited
4:00pm | Break
Session 9: Oracles session chair: Valeria Nikolaenko | |
4:30pm |
DECO: Liberating Web Data Using Decentralized Oracles for TLS
5:00pm |
Mixicles: Simple Private Decentralized Finance
5:30pm | End of day two
Friday, Feb. 21, 2020 | |
Session 10: Programming languages session chair: Byron Gibson | |
9:00am |
Finding Bugs Automatically in Smart Contracts with Parameterized Specifications
9:30am |
Motoko, the language for the Internet Computer
10:00am | Break
Session 11: Payment and state channels session chair: Stefan Dziembowski | |
10:30am |
Atomic Multi-Channel Updates with Constant Collateral in Bitcoin-Compatible Payment-Channel Networks
11:00am |
Boomerang: Redundancy Improves Latency and Throughput in Payment-Channel Network
11:30am |
Brick: Asynchronous State Channels
12:00pm | Lunch
Session 12: Scalability session chair: Dan Boneh | |
1:30pm |
The optimistic VM
2:00pm |
Coded Merkle Tree: Solving Data Availability Attacks in Blockchains
2:30pm | Break
Session 13: Blockchain economics session chair: Lucianna Kiffer | |
3:00pm |
The Best Incentive is No Incentive
3:30pm |
Transparent Dishonesty: front-running attacks on Blockchain
4:00pm |
ClockWork: An Exchange Protocol for Proofs of Non Front-Running
4:30pm | Conference ends ... see you next year