Monday, Aug. 28, 2023 | |
9:00am |
Welcome remarks
Session 1: Automated Market Making session chair: Dan Robinson | |
9:10am |
Automated Market Making and Arbitrage Profits in the Presence of Fees
9:40am |
Finding the Right Curve: Optimal Design of Constant Function Market Makers
10:10am |
WARP: An Efficient Decentralized Exchange Algorithm
10:40am | Break
Session 2: Mempool attacks and defenses session chair: Joachim Neu | |
11:10am |
WIP: Towards the Comprehensive Understanding of Ethereum Mempool DoS Security
11:40am |
The Blockchain Imitation Game
12:10pm | Lunch
Session 3: Proof of stake consensus session chair: Dahlia Malkhi | |
1:30pm |
Time is Money: Strategic Timing Games in Proof-of-Stake Protocols
2:00pm |
Goldfish: No More Attacks on Proof-of-Stake Ethereum
2:30pm |
Designing a DV Protocol for Decentralized PoS Consensus
3:00pm | Break
Session 4: Efficient SNARKs From Folding Schemes session chair: Dan Boneh | |
3:30pm |
HyperNova: Recursive arguments for customizable constraint systems
4:00pm |
Protostar: Generic Efficient Accumulation/Folding for Special Sound Protocols
4:30pm |
Invited: future directions in STARKs
5:00pm | End of day one
5:20pm | Reception
7:00pm | Evening meetup at HanaHaus in Palo Alto. Hosted by Delendum. Please register.
7:00pm | Evening meetup at Park James Hotel. Please register for the event.
Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023 | |
Session 5: Consensus session chair: David Tse | |
9:00am |
Sprints: Intermittent Blockchain Mining
9:30am |
TrustBoost: Boosting Trust among Interoperable Blockchains
10:00am |
Recent Latest Message Driven GHOST: Balancing Dynamic Availability With Asynchrony Resilience
10:30am | Break
Session 6: New Cryptographic primitives session chair: Ari Juels | |
11:00am |
Post-Quantum Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE) From Publicly Re-randomizable Commitments
11:30am |
Invited: Data Availability Sampling: Theory and Practice in 2023
Session 7: Lightning talks session chair: Ben Fisch | |
12:00pm |
Lightning talks
12:30pm | Lunch
Session 8: Privacy session chair: Mahdi Zamani | |
2:00pm |
Building MPC Wallets at Coinbase
2:30pm |
UTT: Decentralized Ecash with Accountable Privacy
3:00pm |
Derecho: Privacy Pools with Proof-Carrying Disclosures
3:30pm |
SGXonerated: Finding (and Partially Fixing) Privacy Flaws in TEE-based Smart Contract Platforms Without Breaking the TEE
4:00pm | Break
Session 9: Code Analysis Tools session chair: Arthur Gervais | |
4:30pm |
Program Analysis for High-Value Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Techniques and Insights
5:00pm |
WIP: Compositional Formal Verification of Zero-Knowledge Circuits
5:30pm | End of day two
6:00pm | Evening meetup hosted by BitGo. Please register.
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023 | |
Session 10: Cryptoeconomics session chair: Ertem Nusret Tas | |
9:00am |
On-chain Foreign Exchange and Cross-border payments
9:30am |
Serial Monopoly on Blockchains
10:00am | Break
Session 11: Smart Contract Security session chair: Ling Ren | |
10:30am |
Invited: Uniswap V4 and Future Directions for DEX Research
11:00am |
Smart Contract and DeFi Security: Insights from Tool Evaluations and Practitioner Surveys
11:30am |
Lanturn: Measuring Economic Security of Smart Contracts Through Adaptive Learning
12:00pm |
LedgerHedger: Gas Reservation for Smart-Contract Security
12:30pm | Lunch
Session 12: New Cryptographic Primitives II session chair: Ari Juels | |
2:00pm |
WIP: Batch Merkle Proofs via Recursive SNARKs with Applications to Updatable Zero-Knowledge Proofs
2:30pm |
Threshold Signatures from Inner Product Argument: Succinct, Weighted, and Multi-threshold
3:00pm |
Security Analysis of Filecoin’s Expected Consensus in the Byzantine vs Honest Model
3:30pm | Break
Session 13: Payment channels session chair: Dawn Song | |
4:00pm |
Sleepy Channels: Bitcoin-Compatible Bi-directional Payment Channels without Watchtowers
4:30pm |
Thora: Atomic and Privacy-Preserving Multi-Channel Updates
5:00pm | Conference ends ... see you next year
5:30pm | Closing party hosted at Nola in down town Palo Alto. Hosted by Chainlink. Please register here.